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Search & Call

To initiate the Search & Call process, please email our Search and Call Team. 


UCC Ministry Opportunities - Online

(A searchable database with employment and other opportunities for clergy and laypersons in the United Church of Christ.)

Search & Call Documents:

Local Church Profile - The NHCUCC is moving to an electronic profile system. All requests for transitional leadership and full or part time settled pastoral care will be created here. Please contact the N.H. Conference to begin this process!

Guide to Pastoral Search and Call

Search Committee Information Form

Biblical Resources for Search Committees

Search and Call Process

Chaplin's Resource

Marks of Faithful and Effective Ministers

Clergy Compensation Guidelines

Clergy Compensation Calculator

Call Agreements Workbook

In Transition

Currently has an Interim Minister

Seeking Transitional Leadership

In search of an Interim Minister

Seeking Settled Leadership

Currently looking for a new Minister


Meets Compensation Guidelines


Meets Compensation Guidelines Plus Benefits


Meets Compensation Guidelines Minus Benefits


Does not meet Compensation Guidelines

Seeking Settled Leadership

Hebron: Union Congregational Church of Hebron

Settled Pastor

Half Time

Conference Contact Person:

We seek a settled pastor to serve the pastoral needs of our church and congregation as we continue to do the work that God calls us to do, in a part time position. The time required may be mutually modified, as our new settled pastor inspires the congregation by attracting new members.

We seek a well-rounded, energetic pastor who is caring, sensitive, socially engaging, and has good communication skills. The part-time dynamics of the settled position also favor a pastor who has good time management skills. Computer proficiency skills would help the pastor better interact with our part time Administrative Assistant.





Housing Allowance



Seeking Settled Leadership

Plymouth: Plymouth Congregational Church

Settled Pastor

Full Time

Conference Contact Person:

Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ, a Just Peace, ONA and Anti-Racism Church,

has a long history of significant pastoral leadership joining with strong lay leadership to “be the

church” in a beautiful region of New Hampshire. Lively worship, great music, expansive

mission, and many educational opportunities have positioned the church well for a bright future.

Like other churches, the pandemic years were challenging as many people developed new habits

and routines. We have responded, however, not with dejection but by enhancing our

infrastructure to share hybrid worship services to a wider audience, to create timely outreach

efforts that meet people’s immediate needs, and to provide leadership for new regional youth and

Confirmation programs. We are now joyfully beginning our search for a full-time pastor who has

a proven record of collaboration and innovation - and who will journey with us in sharing our

love of God and neighbor with the world.





Housing Allowance



Seeking Settled Leadership

Sanbornton: Sanbornton Congregational Church, UCC

Settled Pastor

Half Time

Conference Contact Person:

Our vision is that we adjust to the times and changes in our world by continuing to reach out to our community through music, service, and mission. We are seeking a faith-filled, creative person who will journey and lead us in adjusting to the changing times; a vibrant and energetic person that inspires us to think outside the box.  With the help of our settled pastor, we anticipate needing to develop a plan to be more visible in the Lakes Region. We know this may be attained in a variety of ways including social media, multigenerational and social service events in our building and within the Lakes Region. 






Housing Allowance


Seeking Settled Leadership

Wilmot: First Congregational Church, Wilmot

Settled Pastor

Full Time

Conference Contact Person:

We are an Open &Affirming church and one of the first to be recognized as a Racial Justice Church in the New Hampshire UCC Conference. However, we consider this more of a first step. We engage in a wide range of activities that aim to support and nurture the people of the congregation and reach out to the wider community while working closely with the church’s general leadership to set goals and make plans. Our church is made up predominantly of seniors, and we hope to attract the younger generation as we move forward. We are focused on living and passing along to others the teachings of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We believe that we are a proactive congregation and need a leader who can help us to continue moving forward spreading the word and reaching out to those in need whether they are next door, within our state, nationally or worldwide. During the onset of COVID we started holding services on Zoom and now continue its use in an effort to reach those who are unable to attend in person because of illness or living far away. We are a small church with a big heart.






Housing Allowance



Seeking Transitional Leadership

Haverhill: First Congregational Church of Haverhill


Half Time

Conference Contact Person:

Our congregation is looking for a Part-Time Pastor with patience and the ability to provide stability while we seek a new settled pastor. We are searching for meaning and purpose in why the First Congregational Church of Haverhill exists. This position would be 25 hours per week, with housing allowance or parsonage available. 






Housing Allowance, Parsonage


Seeking Transitional Leadership

Seabrook: Trinity United Church, Seabrook


Half Time

Conference Contact Person:

We seek a part time Interim to provide services such as preaching. Conducting funerals and weddings. Someone with an attention to the needy and elderly, pastoral care and bible study. Someone with good communication skills, a caring manner, a vision for expansion, reaching out & teaching.






Housing Allowance


Seeking Transitional Leadership

Winchester: United Church of Winchester

Transitional, Interim

Half Time

Conference Contact Person:

We need someone who can provide a sense of stability, as we have been using supply pastors for over a year. We would like our pastor to be visible in the community and help us raise the profile of our church in the community.  We are still experiencing grief over the death of our previous pastor and need our new pastor to help us with this.

We would like someone of strong faith and personal warmth. Because this is a part-time position, we need someone who is organized, can establish goals, and has good time management skills. We are looking for someone who can ask for assistance and guidance from the Congregation so that we all share in ministry and outreach.






Housing Allowance


The Ministerial Profile

The UCC Ministerial Profile is an authorized minister’s denominational credential, presenting an individual’s verified standing, criminal background check, disciplinary records, and employment history. The UCC Ministerial Profile is also the document by which an authorized minister reaches local church search committees. While an authorized minister directs his/her profile’s circulation, the UCC Ministerial Profile belongs to the United Church of Christ and is administered by Conference offices. Any authorized minister in good standing may request that a Conference circulate his/her profile to any vacancy, and the Conference duly sends it on; authorized ministers are encouraged to consult with Conferences to understand how each Conference circulates profiles. Ministers are encouraged to use all available information, including information found at Opportunities.UCC to best discern which congregations they may like to engage in an interview. (Source:

For local New Hampshire congregations in active search, check the Churches in Transition section below.

Link to Ministerial Profiles

Link to Oxford for Background Checks

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