Church Funds & Grants
Lay Leadership Development Fund
The Lay Leadership Development Fund is available to help congregations in the New Hampshire Conference, United Church of Christ, to defray expenses incurred for lay leaders to participate in workshops, seminars, conferences, and other leadership training events. Examples might include events related to Christian education/formation, lay pastoral care, stewardship, music, parish nursing, youth ministries, and technology - whether created by or sponsored by a local church.
Local Church Revolving Loan Fund
The Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) was established as part of the Bicentennial Capital Campaign of the New Hampshire Conference, United Church of Christ. This campaign was conducted in 2001. The purpose of the RLF is to provide low interest loans to local churches who are engaged in new construction or renovations projects that will enable them to better serve their mission.
Strengthen the Church - Youth Ministry Grants
The Strengthen the Church All-Church Offering is one of four special offerings, in addition to Our Church´s Wider Mission (Basic Support), in which each local church is encouraged to participate. The New Hampshire Conference retains 50% of the Strengthen the Church offering received for use within the conference.
This fund was established to grow the United Church of Christ´s future by initiatives that promote growth and renewal. All gifts are directed to activities and programs of both the church´s local conference as well as the UCC´s national ministries. Youth Ministry Grant applications are reviewed to determine eligibility by the New Hampshire Conference´s Local Church Support Ministry.
Small Church Grant
Every year the New Hampshire Conference, United Church of Christ makes funds available to small churches to support their ministries. In previous years funds have been used to help pay for heating the church, to help start a Sunday School or to jumpstart a youth mission program. Small churches are encouraged to apply for help to enable them to spread the good news of Jesus Christ.
Download the complete guidelines and application process information for the Small Church Grant.