Environmental Justice Mission Group
Mission Statement
“The Earth is the Lord’s and all that it is in it”. The UCC has proclaimed three Great Loves as our mission: Love of Neighbor, Love of Children and Love of Creation. We, the Environmental Justice Mission Group of the New Hampshire Conference UCC, commit to acting on our Love of Creation through Earth care, education, advocacy and activism to implement the biblical principals of taking only what we need, healing the harm we do to the Earth, and keeping the Earth in repair for the future.
Resolution of Witness Free from Plastic Pollution
(Being brought forth for consideration at the NHCUCC Annual Meeting on October 15, 2022)
Putting the Resolution into Practice-Resource Document
(as Declared by the UCC General Synod 33 in July of 2021)
A Resolution of Christian Witness on the Rights of Nature
(Adopted by the gathering body of the New Hampshire Conference at Annual Meeting, October 17, 2020)
Resolution on Creation Care 2017
(Adopted by the gathering body of the New Hampshire Conference at the Annual Meeting, October 21, 2017.)
New England Environmental Justice Youth+ Summit:
Every 2 years, the Environmental Justice Mission Group hosts a web-based symposium called the New England Environmental Justice Youth+ Summit. Check it out!
Check out our archive of events and recorded events:
Climate Change Resources for NH:
Climate Nexus – climate impacts in NH
Climate Nexus - How to communicate about Climate Change
NH Climate and Energy Profile, Georgetown Climate Center
Recommended Reading / Resources
This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein
Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes and Erik M. Conway
Field Notes from a Catastrophe by Elizabeth Kolbert
Blessed are the Consumers: Climate Change and Restraint by Sallie McFague
Climate Church, Climate World: How People of Faith Must Work for Change by Jim Antal
Drawdown, the Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming edited by Paul Hawken
Earth Honoring Faith by Larry Rasmussen
Eco-faith, Creating and Sustaining Green Congregations by Charlene Hosenfeld
Ecology at the Heart of Faith: The Change of Heart that Leads to a New Way of Living on Earth by Denis Edwards
Eco-Spirit: Religions and Philosophies for the Earth by Laurel Kearns and Catherine Keller
God is Green: An Eco-Spirituality of Incarnate Compassion by Robert Shore-Goss
Original Instructions, Indigenous Teachings for a Sustainable Future edited by Melissa K. Nelson
Spiritual Ecology: The Cry of the Earth, The Golden Sufi by Joanna Macy, Thich Nhat Hanh and Wendell Berry
The Encyclical Letter Laudato Si' On Care for Our Common Home by Pope Francis
The Lost Gospel of Earth by Tom Hayden
The New Cosmic Story by John Haught
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn
Cathedral on Fire by Brooks Berndt
Related Websites
These external links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; The New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ (NHCUCC) bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality, or content of any external site or for that of subsequent links.
Indigenous Environmental Network (ienearth.org)
The Pollinator: UCC Environmental Justice Blog
Peter Sawtelle's Eco-Justice Web site (eco-justice.org)
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (un.org)
Congress.gov: the Green New Deal Resolution (H Res 109)
Environmental Protection Agency (epa.gov)
New Hampshire Interfaith Power and Light (NHIPL.org)
New Hampshire Saves (nhsaves.com)
Granite State Organizing Project (granitestateorganizing.org)
Environmental Voter Project (https://www.environmentalvoter.org/)
Upcoming Events
There are currently no upcoming events.