Development & Support Groups
Pastoral Leadership Development Groups (PLDG)
Managing stress, loneliness, and hurting parishioners places great demands on clergy. Pastoral Leadership Development Groups (PLDG) provide a safe place and encouraging context to deal with the demands of contemporary ministry.
The New Hampshire Conference, United Church of Christ has contracted with Pastoral Counseling Services (PCS) in Manchester to provide Pastoral Leadership Development Groups for those who serve in our associations.
These groups are composed of eight ministers and are led by skilled facilitators, who are selected by PCS. Groups meet monthly from September through June at convenient locations throughout the Conference.
The cost per session is a nominal $25.00 for each participant. Local churches are encouraged to include this fee in their annual budgets as a way of caring for the well-being of their clergy.
This program is made possible through generous underwriting by the Grace Scott Fund for Pastoral Care. To become a member of a group please reach out to the Conference office.
Newly Called in the NHCUCC Support Group
Purpose: This program is intended to enhance skills among those authorized for ministry, address concerns particular to new positions and transitions in ministry, as well as to meet and form a supportive network for clergy in the New Hampshire Conference.
Format: The support group utilizes the case conference model in which clergy are able to share concerns or problems they are facing in their new ministry settings.
Leadership: The Rev. Rebecca Maccini (email: revrwm@myfairpoint.net) facilitates this group.
Enrollment: Check back for contact information on enrollment. In the past, start-up times are offered where there are either breaks in the meeting schedule, or when there is enough clergy interest to create a group. Limited enrollment (8 being the maximum) allows ample time to have needs addressed. After a two-year cycle of participation, clergy are encouraged to seek support in the Pastoral Leadership Development Groups offered throughout the Conference.
Cost: Donations of $20 per participant for each session are combined with funding from the Grace Scott Fund for Pastoral Care to fund this program.
Limited scholarship assistance is available for those in need. Please contact Rev. Gordon Rankin, Conference Minister, at (603) 225-6647, ext. 1101 or grankin@nhcucc.org to apply for financial support.