New Thing Task Force
Mission Statement:
"Creating and Leading the 21st Century Church"
A New Thing Task Force of the NH Conference would like to support you in the challenge of leading our churches. "Creating and Leading the 21st Century Church" is a two-year Leadership Development Class for a team of laity and clergy from any church. The first year will be curriculum-based, inspired by the UCC Pension Board’s Next Generation Leadership Initiative, and the second year will be a supported and peer-focused as the concepts are applied in individual churches. This will include a congregational assessment tool and great teachers.
Download the brochure to learn more or contact Gayle Murphy at gaylem121@gmail.com with questions.
The Leadership Development Classes are being recorded and posted to the NHCUCC YouTube channel.
• Watch a replay of the Informational Meeting: https://youtu.be/sJ9q6Zpx8Pc
• Watch a replay of the Family Systems Class: https://youtu.be/TF7uUR-GuvU
• Watch a replay of the Adaptive Leadership for a Faith Community Class: https://youtu.be/DvntMSHDA5A
• Watch a replay of the Communications: Breaking Through the Noise Class: https://youtu.be/A4de_7dIBS0
• Watch a replay of the Managing Conflict Class: https://youtu.be/jIHjuylKnBo
• Watch a replay of the Deep Vision Class: https://youtu.be/tWl2-b9pyYc
• Watch a replay of the Creativity and Innovation Class: https://youtu.be/1smBirRGARU
• Watch a replay of the CL 21 Session held on September 28, 2019: https://youtu.be/y54xn4Ecm3k
• Watch a replay of the CL 21 Session held on January 4, 2020: https://youtu.be/uyWPu_CqFYg
• Watch a replay of the CL 21 Session held on January 9, 2021:
This class is partially funded by the Pembroke Fund of the NH Conference and has been endorsed by the Clergy Support Ministry of the Conference.
Upcoming Events
There are currently no upcoming events.