Tivvi Pare
Horton Center Executive Director/Faith Formation Specialist
Tivvi Pare was born and raised in Nashua, New Hampshire. She grew up attending Pilgrim Congregational Church in Nashua where she is a currently a member. Tivvi is of English and French descent. She was a camper at Horton Center from 3rd -12th grade and has been on staff since graduating high school in various roles before becoming the Executive Director in fall of 2023. Her favorite camp activities include singing silly songs around the campfire, hiking with Zimmi, her camp-lovin' dog, swimming in chilly rivers, worshiping at Chapel Rock and sleeping under the stars on Pinkham Ledge. Tivvi attended Clemson University in South Carolina where she earned a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and a master's degree in Education: Teaching and Learning and played piccolo in the marching band (Go Tigers!). Tivvi is passionate about making camp an inclusive and welcoming place for everyone where folks of all ages are accepted for who they are as they build intentional Christian community, explore their faith, and grow as servant leaders who will be loving stewards of God's creation.
(603) 545-9660