Stewardship Webinars
This content is associated with the Stewardship Resources Page, Courtesy of UCC National Ministries, Made Possible By Rev. Andrew Warner, CFRE
2024 General Webinars - All Are Welcome
4th Wednesdays of the Month – 7:30pm Eastern
August 28 – 3 Best Practices for Stewardship in Congregations https://UCC.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrd-6vqTIpG9egZClLQ6xXRV5jWRz-JVYT
We will discuss the three practices most likely to increase giving in a local congregation: teaching about generosity, pastoral leadership, and online giving options. The webinar will examine why these practices matter and discuss how to implement them in a congregation.
October 23 – End the Year Strong: Making the Most of Year End Giving https://UCC.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcsdemqrz8qGNJJOs_gDoFH2nxcItmlhUGD
November and December can be the strongest months for giving in charities. How can we make the most of this generous time in our culture? The conversation will lift up ideas and messages to promote giving to congregations.
For Pastors and Leaders:
Cultivating Generous Congregations – Fall 2024 Register at https://cvent.me/GxPdg1
The CGC Seminar for pastors and leaders offers an opportunity to explore faithful, practical, and tested ways to promote generosity in our congregations. Be sure to recruit at least a team of two for this program. Changing the culture of your congregation requires more than one dedicated leader.
This is a virtual seminar that runs on the following Mondays: Sept. 23, Oct. 7, Oct. 21, Nov. 4, Nov. 18, and Dec. 2 from 7:30 – 9pm Eastern.
The registration fee is $300 (per team of two) and $150 for each additional team member