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Let Your Love Live On


Our support of our church expresses our love for it – for its mission, for its people, for its vitality.  By designating a setting of the church – local church, specialized ministry, wider settings of the church – as a beneficiary in our will, our love will continue to support the church beyond our lifetime. 

If you are considering a legacy gift to a ministry setting of the United Church of Christ, thank you!  Your generosity enables your church to have a lasting impact on the vitality of its mission locally, regionally, or globally. 

The majority of the estate gifts that churches, conferences, and the UCC national setting receive come as bequests because they are easily included in your will.  You can also make a charitable bequest by designating a church as the recipient of a “payment on death” of a bank account or a stock portfolio. 

This guidance outlines in summary form the three simple steps anyone can make to make a bequest to any setting of the church.   However, to be sure you’ve done everything correctly, we recommend consulting your financial advisor. 


1.  Your Will

Decide what setting of the church (local, conference, national, specialized ministry) you want to receive a financial gift from your estate.  Choose whether you want that gift to be a percentage of the value of your estate, a specific dollar amount, or contingent on whether your primary beneficiaries are still living.

Example wording for giving a percentage is,

“I give and bequeath _______ percent of my estate to  **** Church, UCC, located at ****”

Example wording for a specific dollar amount is:

“I give and bequeath from my estate the amount of $_____ to  **** Church, UCC."

Example wording for a contingent bequest is:

“If any or all of the above-named beneficiaries do not survive me, then I hereby give the share that otherwise would be theirs to  **** Church, UCC.”


2.  Instructions for Purpose

Next, provide instruction regarding the purpose of your gift.  This allows you to direct your gift to specific funds or campaigns, or to give without restrictions.

Wording for an unrestricted gift could be:

“This gift is intended to support the mission of  **** Church and may be used as the leaders direct.”

If you want your gift to be held as an endowment, include this wording:

“The principal of this gift shall be held by **** Church as an endowment.  The church may use earnings to support its mission and program.” 

An example of wording which designates your gift to support specific ministries or be added to existing funds is:

“This gift is to be divided, with ***% added to the ****Fund, and  ****% to be made available for ****."

The elected leadership of the church setting you are designated, in consultation with other stakeholders, has the right to accept or reject any gift based on its alignment with the identity and mission of the Church.

--Special funds

We appreciate all the ways people want to support our ministry.  While unrestricted gifts allow the most flexibility for the church to respond to immediate and long-term needs, we are stewards of some invested funds which can receive contributions.  In the New Hampshire Conference, those funds are:

·        Horton Center

·        Ukama partnership with the United Church of Christ in Zimbabwe

·        Immigrant Bond and Support Fund

·        etc.


3.  Tell Your Story

Finally, share the reason for your generosity with the congregation and leadership of your Church.  Generosity begets generosity!  Your reasons for making your gift will likely inspire others to consider making a bequest.   Make sure the church setting you are remembering in your will knows of your plan!



Contact:  Rev. David Keller  | 


Once again, Thank You! For letting your love live, now and into the future!

This material is made possible, in part, by donations to Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM)

Guidance prepared by the Finance Ministry of the New Hampshire Conference. Material may be duplicated and distributed freely provided the copyright message is included.


© 2024 NHCUCC. All Rights Reserved.


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