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In the Community: Voices of Faith at the State House Wednesday

Please join Voices of Faith at the State House in Concord this coming Wednesday, January 8 at 9 AM for opening day of the NH state legislature. We will greet our representatives and senators with messages that demonstrate our commitments to economic justice, the rights and well-being of all people including immigrants, LGBTQ+ people and people with disabilities, and the protection of our public schools, voting rights, and the safety net. 

The State House is located at 107 N. Main Street, Concord. Please allow extra time for parking.


We will gather in the Hall of Flags (also known as the lobby of the State House) at 9 AM. We will begin with interfaith prayer and introductions, and we'll distribute our VOF signs. Then we'll move up to the second floor to the doors of the House and Senate chambers to greet our legislators as they enter for the 10 AM sessions. We encourage ordained clergy to wear your collar, stole, and/or other outward signs of your ministry.


We'll remain in the hallways until about 10:15 AM, at which time all are welcome to visit the AFSC offices for breakfast snacks, coffee, and good company. Our office is located right across the street from the State House, at 4 Park Street, Suite 304. There is an elevator.


Please fill your car with friends, neighbors, and members of your congregation. It's important that we demonstrate our support for justice, dignity, and the common good. And it will be nourishing to be with each other as we begin what is sure to be a challenging year.


We look forward to being with you on Wednesday,


Maggie Fogarty, NH Program Director

American Friends Service Committee


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