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Stephanie Westergren

Day 6 - (Mt. Selinda) Making new friends…

Saturday, July 27, 2024

On Day 6, most of the delegates decided to go to Chikore Mission. Rev. Marean and Wren stayed behind to spend time with the students of Mt. Selinda. Tanatswa and Decent were their amazing guides and friends!

Wren making new friends at Mount Selinda HS.

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

Wren and Rev. Sara with new friends!

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

Wren touring the agricultural area of the high school.

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

Wren with baby Briana. She was so calm and peaceful!

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

The school raises pigs in an effort to be more self-sustaining.

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

They also raise chickens!

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

Wren and Rev. Sara also had the opportunity to walk through some tea fields. Tanganda Tea is a national brand.

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

The tea fields

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

This is the tea factory — through the trees.

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

Decent, Wren, Rev. Sara, and Tanatswa at a football pitch.

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

On Saturday afternoons Mount Selinda HS holds a “function”. This is a time for kids to listen to music and dance together. It was fun and super high energy!

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

Wren and Rev. Sara and their amazing guides to Mount Selinda, Tanatswa and Decent, standing in front of a mahogany tree. These beautiful trees line the road on the way to Mount Selinda.

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

Mt. Selinda Hospital School of Nursing Building — There are approximately 70 nursing students and just two teachers!

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

During their sightseeing of the mission campus, Wren and Rev. Sara visited the Mount Selinda UCCZ church.

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

Wren and Rev. Sara also visited the Daisy Dube Orphanage at Mt. Selinda

📸 Rev. Sara Marean

It was so much fun!

📸 Rev. Sara Marean


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