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Stephanie Westergren

Day 11 - Lions and Rhinos and Elephants, Oh My!

Updated: Aug 3, 2024

Thursday, August 1, 2024

The delegation met at the Gweru Church to head to Antelope Park around 11:00 AM. We arrived at the park by noon and had plenty of time to explore the reception area and ask questions. We enjoyed a buffet lunch at 1:00 PM and discovered the is a popular tourist attraction as we discovered other white people โ€” some from Canada, and some from the UK.

The delegation having lunch at Antelope Park in Gweru.

๐Ÿ“ธ S. Westergren

After lunch, we loaded up the safari truck to tour the grounds. Rather than tell you about it, Iโ€™ll just SHOW you:

๐Ÿ“ธ S. Westergren

Here are some fun facts we learned on the tour:

  • One can tell giraffe sex by looking at โ€œhornsโ€ on the head

  • โ€œBvumbaโ€ is Shona for wildebeest And there are 2 kinds, black or blue โ€” m ales have a black forehead and f emales have a brownish-black forehead

  • In many animals, one can tell which are the females by looking at their back legs: females have wider back legs than males

  • Impalas are a type of antelope โ€” the distinguishing mark is 3 black stripes on the tail in the shape of an โ€œMโ€

  • Elephants are right- or left-tusked so one tusk may be shorter than the other

  • Elephants have six sets of 4 molars each used for grinding plants and grain food; the tusks are actually considered incisors (2 of them)

We arrived back at our host homes around 6:00 PM. We were able to bathe before dinner . Rev. Mandy, Sarah, and Steph all stayed with the same family: the Mhlangas. After their dinner with the family, there was a cake that their second-born daughter, Busi, made and their third-born daughter, Chido, had iced and decorated.

The cake said โ€œThank youโ€ which left us in awe because WE were so thankful for THEM! After a long 10 days, to be welcomed into a home with a family, laughter, and love was just what we needed on the back end of a long journey. โค๏ธ

The cake was vanilla and chocolate and made with so much love!

๐Ÿ“ธ S. Westergren

(Left to right) Chido, Sarah, Rev. Mandy, Betty, and Steph with the โ€œThank youโ€ cake

๐Ÿ“ธ Busiโ€™s husband


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