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Registration for the Annual Meeting has been extended until Friday, October 11th at 5 PM to allow for any last folks who need to register to do so. Find registration information and all the details on the Annual Meeting website. If you signed up for a connecting session, watch your email-you will receive a link to the connecting session that takes place on zoom within 2 days of your session. If you need help with the registration page, please contact or call the conference office.

Youth Program New This Year- A Week at Camp Youth ages 6-12 visiting Annual Meeting can participate in a whole new way with A Day at Camp, brought to you by Outdoor Ministries. Find the flyer here - and if that sounds like a good time, just register the your youth for the meeting as a Youth Visitor at the same registration link found on the Annual Meeting Website.

We encourage you to continue to keep an eye on the Annual Meeting Website, to which documents, meeting materials, information and instructions will continue to be uploaded.


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